Join us on Sunday, Feb 23 at 1pm as we host the CT Museum of Culture and History and their presentation of The Hartford Circus Fire.
This is a free event.
Light refreshments will be served.
The Burlington Historical Society wishes to thank everyone who attended our 6th Annual Wine Tasting this past Saturday. We had a great turnout and also wish to give a shoutout to I Know A Guy Foods LLC for their delicious appetizers and The Best Wine Shop in Town for providing many amazing wines.
Thank you to everyone for your support!
The Park and Rec Annual Holiday Sing will be on Wed Dec 4th at the Town Green.
BHS is asking members to help fill the Elton Tavern with cookies for all visitors and guests of the Tavern the night of the Holiday Sing. Please consider donating cookies or other baked goodies. Donations can be dropped off during Tavern Decorating on Sat Nov 30th from 10a-12p or prior to the Holiday Sing starting at 6pm.
UPDATE – We plan to enable video viewing of this presentation from our first-floor meeting room as we realize the upstairs ballroom is not accessible to all.
The Burlington Historical Society is proud to host the Farmington Valley CT Heritage Network’s presentation on the History of Myrtle Mills Factory Store.
Click the flyer below for more details.