Artists Wanted!

The Burlington Historical Society’s small works art sale is back again this year and we’re looking for local artists to showcase their artwork. Please see below for additional details. Click on the Artist Registration form below for a printable PDF version.

2nd Grade Classroom Visits

On May 16th and 17th, BHS board members Barbara Flaherty-Carchedi and Patty Hurlock visited the 2nd grade classrooms at Lake Garda elementary school. During the visit students learned about period “recess” toys, various historical items and even had fun dressing up in period clothing.

First Annual BHS Beer Tasting!

Please join BHS for our First Annual Beer Tasting Event!
Enjoy flight-sized pours from several local breweries.
All rooms inside The Elton Tavern open.
Different food and beers per room.
$25.00 admission fee (CASH OR CHECK ONLY) includes set of beer tickets.
Additional tickets available for purchase.
Participating breweries to be announced shortly.
Musical entertainment provided by the Yankee Bluegrass Jammers.