BHS Annual Members Picnic – June 28

The Burlington Historical Society’s Annual Members Picnic is scheduled for Friday, Jun 28 at 6:30pm.

Please click below to register!

Aside from our usual picnic and musical entertainment, BHS will be announcing some proposed changes to the BHS By-Laws.  We highly encourage members to attend to hear the amendments and vote on the final version of our By-Laws. 

Click this link to view the document:
BHS By-Laws 2024

Congrats to our Scholarship Recipient!

On Thurs, May 30, the Burlington Historical Society attended the Lewis S Mills High School Awards ceremony and had the honor of congratulating the recipient of the BHS Elsie Hutchins Scholarship – Samantha Throwe. Samantha has been a BHS Junior Board Member since 2023 and has assisted us with many events including lectures, open houses, Tavern Day, and the 2nd grade field trips. Her enthusiasm for local history is infectious and we wish her all the best as she begins her studies at UCONN in the fall!